Friday, February 24, 2012

Blame For The Financial Crisis is On The Fed - But Paulson & Soros Take The Heat

A lot of people put the blame in several directions while looking for answers in our latest financial crisis. For the most part all evidence has been focused towards the Federal Reserve. Accused of creating this crisis by severe lack of oversight.
The Fed jumped on the bandwagon with their own list of people who created this George Soros of Soros Fund Management LLC, and John Paulson of Paulson & Co. trying to take the attention away from themselves. Back in 2007 Paulson & Co. bet against sub primes and cashed in on 15 Billon in profits when the crash hit. Paulson commented that greater oversight should have been done on the home loans, which very well could have avoided the crisis.

However at the time sub primes were in their heyday the Federal Reserve decided to take a hands off approach. Meanwhile Soros blamed the Federal Reserve saying they should have stepped in and saved Lehman Brothers in 2008 from their collapse. The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC) had interviews both Soros & Paulson during their investigations for making their official report...

Friday, February 10, 2012

Riots In The UK Coming to America? Well The US Is Ready!

Are The UK Riots Coming to America? Well The US Is Ready!
The recent uprising towards the British Government involving massive rioting in the UK just adds to anti-government sediment within America. The United States still is not able get their fiscal house in order, Unemployment is very high and there is little to no hope for the middle and lower class to get ahead because only the rich will get richer.

Sadly the American Government just keeps running around in circles with no permanent fix in sight. Instead of attacking the root problem head on. Of all businesses, it is Amazon UK that seems to be telling us what is in store for the near future in the realm of civil unrest. For in the UK on August 9th Amazon saw record sales in their “sports and leisure” category. This information seemed highly worrisome to many when the news came out. The reason being many of the products sold could double as weapons. Items such as solid wooden and aluminum baseball bats, and telescoping police batons or “Tonfas” & night sticks...

Saturday, February 4, 2012

US. Now At Their $14.3 Trillion Debt Limit: Enough Is Enough!

The End Of The Dollar Is Heading Towards Us
The United States has exceeded the federal debt limit. The Government now has to shuffle money around. Important investments have been halted until mutual agreement over the debt limit can be resolved. The US. has until August 2nd to come up with a mutual plan to raise the debt limit.

Everyone is in agreement that the debt limit must be raised. Only problem is so far the President, Republicans and Democrats can’t see eye to eye on the solution. Let’s hope they find one fast. The head of the Federal Reserve Bank, Ben Bernanke, and the US Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Geithner, have warned that without a debt limit extension an extremely serious large financial crisis will be expected soon. There are only a couple months to go at that time the US would be forced into defaulting on their immense national and foreign debts. The outcome would severely cripple the US dollar and the US economy while many other foreign economies also will feel the pain...


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