Saturday, July 20, 2013

Sick US. Dollar – Equals Wealth Opportunity of a Lifetime

Sick US. Dollar – Equals Wealth Opportunity of a Lifetime
We can learn a great deal about our current monetary system and where it is headed simply by studying monetary history from the past. By doing so, we unlock the truth as to where currencies have repeatedly failed throughout time and why.

What has happened in the past throughout various societies? It’s common in every culture once an established monetary system is set in place, to start deficit spending. Once this spending occurs, countries begin to enter into larger and larger wars. At some point a country will grow up from a small country into a great empire such as the Greek or Roman Empires of the past. As these great societies engage in larger wars more money is needed to finance these wars. From this point government becomes too big and the wars being fought only compound the stresses that hold up the entire financial system…

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Hyperinflation, Soaring Food Costs – Will Gold & Silver Save You?

Hyperinflation, Soaring Food Costs – Will Gold & Silver Save You?
Hyperinflation is an all consuming event that strips away virtually every thread of society. During such events food prices skyrocket. The chances of you having enough money to buy food for your family will be slim. Physical gold and silver act as hard currency to protect assets and purchasing power. Everyone can own them without prior investment knowledge. Holding these assets during times of an economic crisis allows you real money for making transactions, as they’ll be but a few, of the last things of true value left standing.

After WWI the German economy was left eroding as it suffered from massive debt, created by high war costs to fight the war. As the years after WWI continued, Germany's economy steadily got worse. The rapid rise in food costs were among the first things citizens of Weimar experienced. In November 1923 hyperinflation peaked, food costs went absolutely out of control. During its peak, food prices skyrocketed…

Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Dollar Death Spiral

The Dollar Death Spiral
The creation of the Federal Reserve Bank was authorized by the United States Congress by a narrow majority vote just before congress went on break for the Christmas holiday in 1913. Its existence was born out of manipulations from the banking elite of the time. The directive for the newly formed Federal Reserve was limited, however as time passed, this budding banking institution became a central planners dream for all things monetary.

The ownership of physical gold was banned in 1933 by President Theodore Roosevelt. Eleven years later at the end of WWII allied powers were finally victorious in the creation of an international monetary treaty in Bretton Woods New Hampshire. In 1944, the Bretton Woods Agreement was born where it was agreed upon to use the dollar as if it were gold by backing the dollar with real gold at 10% using a pegged value of $35.00 per ounce...

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