Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Federal Reserve Bank – What is it Really?

The Federal Reserve is one of the largest problems facing America today. The one question many people ask is what does a Federal Government Bank have to do with our nation's problems? For starters it is Federal in name only.
The Federal Reserve Bank is not part of the US Government. It is actually a privately owned corporation and international bank that was created by Congress in 1913. The passage of the 16th amendment was passed rather shadily, and according to some, illegally. Furthermore it was given the exclusive rights to "print money" for the U.S. Government by Congress, during the Christmas break in 1913 when most of the representatives were on vacation.
Before the creation of the Federal Reserve the power and responsibility to print our nation’s money was done by the Congress of the United States. Sadly since the time when the Federal Reserve was given the power to operate the printing press, the people of America have continually been charged interest on every dollar ever printed…



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