Saturday, June 15, 2013

Saving You’re Wealth & You’re Life
There are many reasons to have money. However the top two reasons would have to be for sustaining a higher standard of living and to guarantee your personal freedom. Subsequent reasons might include proving to yourself that you can achieve a specific monetary goal, or personally compensating yourself for previous failures in past ventures. For making an impression upon others or even to bequest your success upon others by creating your own legacy.

Essentially when you have money you will have monetary independence allowing you to do whatever you want to do. Currently we are four years into a depression, still there are many people who have been brain washed through mainstream media and phony government statistics that believe were in a recovery. If you were to take the long-term approach to this it would be painfully obvious that were far from any recovery. Depending upon how foolish the government reacts to real recovery, the current depression is going to only get much…


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