Saturday, July 20, 2013
Sick US. Dollar – Equals Wealth Opportunity of a Lifetime
We can learn a great deal about our current monetary system and where it is headed simply by studying monetary history from the past. By doing so, we unlock the truth as to where currencies have repeatedly failed throughout time and why.
What has happened in the past throughout various societies? It’s common in every culture once an established monetary system is set in place, to start deficit spending. Once this spending occurs, countries begin to enter into larger and larger wars. At some point a country will grow up from a small country into a great empire such as the Greek or Roman Empires of the past. As these great societies engage in larger wars more money is needed to finance these wars. From this point government becomes too big and the wars being fought only compound the stresses that hold up the entire financial system…
What has happened in the past throughout various societies? It’s common in every culture once an established monetary system is set in place, to start deficit spending. Once this spending occurs, countries begin to enter into larger and larger wars. At some point a country will grow up from a small country into a great empire such as the Greek or Roman Empires of the past. As these great societies engage in larger wars more money is needed to finance these wars. From this point government becomes too big and the wars being fought only compound the stresses that hold up the entire financial system…
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Hyperinflation, Soaring Food Costs – Will Gold & Silver Save You?
Hyperinflation is an all consuming event that strips away virtually every thread of society. During such events food prices skyrocket. The chances of you having enough money to buy food for your family will be slim. Physical gold and silver act as hard currency to protect assets and purchasing power. Everyone can own them without prior investment knowledge. Holding these assets during times of an economic crisis allows you real money for making transactions, as they’ll be but a few, of the last things of true value left standing.
After WWI the German economy was left eroding as it suffered from massive debt, created by high war costs to fight the war. As the years after WWI continued, Germany's economy steadily got worse. The rapid rise in food costs were among the first things citizens of Weimar experienced. In November 1923 hyperinflation peaked, food costs went absolutely out of control. During its peak, food prices skyrocketed…
Sunday, July 7, 2013
The Dollar Death Spiral
The creation of the Federal Reserve Bank was authorized by the United States Congress by a narrow majority vote just before congress went on break for the Christmas holiday in 1913. Its existence was born out of manipulations from the banking elite of the time. The directive for the newly formed Federal Reserve was limited, however as time passed, this budding banking institution became a central planners dream for all things monetary.
The ownership of physical gold was banned in 1933 by President Theodore Roosevelt. Eleven years later at the end of WWII allied powers were finally victorious in the creation of an international monetary treaty in Bretton Woods New Hampshire. In 1944, the Bretton Woods Agreement was born where it was agreed upon to use the dollar as if it were gold by backing the dollar with real gold at 10% using a pegged value of $35.00 per ounce...
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Historical Beginnings Of Currency And The Modern Banking System
What is Money?
Historically many things throughout time have been used as money. Which include beads, shells, stones, tobacco, wheat, livestock, gold, silver and currency. But what makes money? Not everything is money, some is currency.
What is Currency?
It is a unit of monetary exchange that can be used in trade for all goods and services. It is made up of the following important key elements. It acts as a circulating medium of exchange – which is an intermediary used in trade to avoid the inconvenience of a peer barter system. It’s a unit of account – which is a standard monetary unit of measurement of value and costs on all goods, services and assets…
banking system,
gold coins,
merchant banker,
monetary exchange
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Gold To Spiral Skyward – As Debt Consumes Planet
Central banks & governments have clearly made the choice to paper-over their debts instead of facing their fiscal problems head-on. This action will guarantee printing presses world-wide, to run non-stop. Global debt is already at $1.5 quadrillion dollars. Gold and silver are poised to shoot to the moon.
Globally, politicians and central bankers are taking the path of least resistance, choosing to paper-over national debts thus assuring the creation of a world-wide debt bubble of biblical proportions. The world is simply drowning in its own debt. Spain’s bond rates went back above 7.5 percent. Currently global debt totals about $150 trillion, however once you add the dependencies from governments such as various liabilities, both funded and unfunded along with pension funds you can crank this figure upwards to $500 trillion.
Globally, politicians and central bankers are taking the path of least resistance, choosing to paper-over national debts thus assuring the creation of a world-wide debt bubble of biblical proportions. The world is simply drowning in its own debt. Spain’s bond rates went back above 7.5 percent. Currently global debt totals about $150 trillion, however once you add the dependencies from governments such as various liabilities, both funded and unfunded along with pension funds you can crank this figure upwards to $500 trillion.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Saving You’re Wealth & You’re Life
There are many reasons to have money. However the top two reasons would have to be for sustaining a higher standard of living and to guarantee your personal freedom. Subsequent reasons might include proving to yourself that you can achieve a specific monetary goal, or personally compensating yourself for previous failures in past ventures. For making an impression upon others or even to bequest your success upon others by creating your own legacy.
Essentially when you have money you will have monetary independence allowing you to do whatever you want to do. Currently we are four years into a depression, still there are many people who have been brain washed through mainstream media and phony government statistics that believe were in a recovery. If you were to take the long-term approach to this it would be painfully obvious that were far from any recovery. Depending upon how foolish the government reacts to real recovery, the current depression is going to only get much…
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Gold – Real Money!
Over the past five years gold has succeeded to outperform the S&P by a long shot. The biggest reason for S&P's decline in value, measured by it's worth in currency or dollars is because the green back itself is not real money.
It's important to note, smart people have been collecting gold. Regardless if these people have collected gold for the long-term or are just now starting. These investors all have the same philosophy. Hang on to your gold, keep collecting it and do not sell an ounce. Because at some point gold's value will exceed rising inflation and save you. What the government has done of course in its attempts to shore up falling home prices within American is actually destroying the dollar and increasing gold's value…
It's important to note, smart people have been collecting gold. Regardless if these people have collected gold for the long-term or are just now starting. These investors all have the same philosophy. Hang on to your gold, keep collecting it and do not sell an ounce. Because at some point gold's value will exceed rising inflation and save you. What the government has done of course in its attempts to shore up falling home prices within American is actually destroying the dollar and increasing gold's value…
Saturday, June 1, 2013
The Path of Gold – Where it’s Been, Where it’s Headed!
All of the gold held by central banks throughout the west, originally, was owned by the people. Slowly this gold has been siphoned away from the people by the central bankers through inflation. However now, even these giant banks in the west are losing their gold as it slowly is being transferred to the east.
The gold stored in these central banks was at one time used to back all western currencies. However the sole purpose for gold being held in western banks today is for repayment of debt. History shows us that approximately every 30 to 40 years the world creates a new monetary system. Previous monetary systems continually have failed due to poor fiscal policy, planning and manipulations. Before WWI most countries kept a specific amount of gold in their treasuries. The treasuries would then issue out currency notes into circulation in amounts that equaled the equivalent value of…
Saturday, May 25, 2013
China Boosts Gold Purchases Over Dollar Collapse Fears
It is highly anticipated that China will become the world’s largest net buyer of gold this year surpassing that of India, who has been the largest gold consumer until now. China’s gold purchases for 2012 have already risen ten percent according to ICBC a leading Chinese bank. Why are they so eager to buy?
China has held the world's largest amount of US debt, larger than any other nation. However things are drastically changing. China has changed its investment strategies, including moving out of a majority stake in dollar dominated assets and converting those assets into gold. It clearly doesn't take a financial genius to figure out the logic behind China's dollar exit strategy.
While the American dollar may still be king over an uncertain euro today, what will happen once the US is reminded that its debts levels in comparison exceed that of Greece? While still the largest owner of foreign dollar reserves China is clearly conscious about how over exposed their holding are, putting their nations reserves into a slump. Currently US Treasuries are inside the largest market bubble in history.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
American Debt and Its Consequences

These days the politicians elected into government and tasked with responsible policy making, don't have the political will do right thing. They refuse to turn things around, to stop the slow train wreck that's approaching. Some believe this slow train wreck will arrive sometime around 2015. This train has been built upon the tracks of circumstance, with decisions that were created re-actively, thus now it's running out of control…
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Hyperinflation – America Built Upon A House Of Cards

Hyperinflation is defined as a very high rate of inflation or inflation that has gone out of control. There are several definitions, on the low end it’s defined as a consecutive accumulation of inflation over a three year period averaging 26 percent annually reaching 100 percent by the end of the third year. While on the high side, inflation can exceed 50 percent per month. Even lower degrees of inflation will still wipe out savings and purchasing power within a short duration of time…
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Gold - Heads Toward Tier I Asset Status

Within developed countries of the world, the unified consensus is that gold has yet to show any real signs of true-value towards the 41 year old paper currency fiat money system. The system now is starting to break down. Over the past 5 years serious strain and stress has occurred within the current dollar fiat system. Intensifying signs show problematic developments, now and into the future. These developments could be a sign where the current fiat based system is too flawed. This makes a good argument where gold held in reserves would be necessary to increase liquidity, thus granting easier access to loans of nations in need.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Why Investing in Silver is Better Than Gold

While the élite and the central bank’s own tons of gold bullion, it's interesting to note that they hold no physical silver. Physical silver is cheaper than physical gold. Therefore the average person could without much thought, buy an ounce or two at any time without hurting their wallets or upsetting their budgets. On the other hand…
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Silver Still To Out Perform Gold - As Euro Crisis Peaks

The Spanish bonds most surely will hit levels that could exceed seven percent very soon. Greece could possibly still keep the euro, knowing all well that austerity measures will not be able to last into the foreseeable future. Cyprus keeps getting dragged down under enormous amounts of debt now equal to that of Iceland, which is another foreseen hot spot…
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Fiat Money – The Central Bankers Favorite Drug

Fiat money makes people believe that there is more wealth available today than their actually is. This in effect makes for spending that is not prudent. The reality is that the true amount of wealth perceived by the masses is not truly available. This being said great mistakes are going to be made. There will also be a serious amount of pain coming from all this as a result. The whole world is sinking into a great abyss of worthless paper money…
Sunday, April 7, 2013

What is currently being done today to the US dollar greatly impacts it negatively. Which in-turn is negatively impacting every fiat currency in the world. Sadly today there is no culture, country or currency that is safe from the negative effects of the dollar. Basically stated, if the world's reserve currency is sick and catches a cold it will become contagious…
Friday, March 29, 2013
Industrial Silver – Investment To Last 50 +Years!

Recently Baker was quoted as saying that “the silver markets of today actually can be closely compared to the same markets a century ago”. At this time photography was really starting to take off and industrial silver demand was on the rise. “From the mining company’s inception in the late 1890’s through the early 1980’s silver mining had been a booming business with huge physical demands in industrial applications for the white metal. However, by the mid 1980’s and during the next twenty years the silver industry had…
Friday, March 15, 2013
What Is The Difference Between Currency And True Money?

Currency has been defined as a circulating medium of exchange, used as an intermediary in trade to avoid the use of a barter system. The benefits and usefulness of currencies include; being a unit of account, or standard measurement of value. Other key factors include; durability, divisibility, ease of transportation and being …
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Monetary Systems & The World’s Reserve Currency

The Past –
History can show us many things; let’s take the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. The Romans rose to power in 64 AD. by starting out on a solid financial footing. There was a sound money system in place. They started off using 100 percent solid gold and silver coins as a medium of exchange for goods and services. As time passed however, more and more social programs needed funding. More major government projects were taken on, along with more and more wars being fought…
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Assessing The Impact - On Gold Purchases, For Central Banks

Currently were already seeing central banks acquiring larger amounts of gold bullion. Gold bullion reserves that were reported have surpassed 439.7 tons last year. This is seen as the largest annual increase in nearly 50 years, which does not include any major un-reported purchases during this time. It is well-known that many central banks have snapped up tonnage when market prices are at near bottoms on market corrections...
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Central Bankers – Nothing But Liars

Throughout economic history zero percent interest rates have never been used, for an especially good reason. To use a zero interest rate policy upon a nation should be a condition of last resort, a last-ditch effort to shock an economy back to life. Any interest rate that is below inflation is never good for an economy. This rate policy actually rips-off savers. In a society that has been accustom to saving, savers do not get any real returns on their accounts. By leaving rates on savings ultra low, it's tantamount to "savings account rape"…
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Five Inflation Fighting Tactics To Protect You’re Wealth

"One proven and time tested method of protecting you’re wealth is through ownership of assets designed to hedge or fight against inflationary forces over time. Hedging is an essential investment strategy a kin to taking out an insurance policy on your assets. This insurance policy will protect your assets against negative growth in both stock markets and the economy..."
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Price manipulations in the silver markets are just a fancy way to point out that there is someone else controlling and dominating these markets by holding exceptionally big positions of silver. An entity alone or as a group, that holds a very large physical stake in a specific market will define “manipulation”, which in itself, is clearly understood. The reality, when a single entity or large group enters the market for the specific purpose of dominating it, this should create alarm bells and make them ring all over the place. These are reasons why US. anti-trust and commodity laws are in place.
One of the most serious market crimes under the commodities law is price manipulation. There is a simple and effective cure for market manipulations which has been in place for nearly 100 years. It is called “Speculative Position Limits”. At the present time, the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) is working to in-state position limits in the silver markets. Of course at the same time this is happening the big banks are using all their mighty power to try blocking the CFTC’s attempts on instituting silver market position limits. Who will win out? Only time will tell.
Each entity in this game among manipulators will benefit by varying degrees…
One of the most serious market crimes under the commodities law is price manipulation. There is a simple and effective cure for market manipulations which has been in place for nearly 100 years. It is called “Speculative Position Limits”. At the present time, the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) is working to in-state position limits in the silver markets. Of course at the same time this is happening the big banks are using all their mighty power to try blocking the CFTC’s attempts on instituting silver market position limits. Who will win out? Only time will tell.
Each entity in this game among manipulators will benefit by varying degrees…
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Economics 101 – Excess Money Equals Inflation
The government can print money. So why don’t they simply print more and then give it away to everyone? Certainly this would alleviate poverty and stimulate the economy. Within modern economic societies money is used so intensely, that many times people forget what money really is and why we use it.
Why was money invented?
Before money came along, people got what they wanted by trading things between one another so in the end both people would receive what they wanted. Economists call this method of exchange or the barter system. Bartering however was a very inefficient system because you had to seek out someone who had what you wanted…
Why was money invented?
Before money came along, people got what they wanted by trading things between one another so in the end both people would receive what they wanted. Economists call this method of exchange or the barter system. Bartering however was a very inefficient system because you had to seek out someone who had what you wanted…
currency supply,
excess money,
money supply,
purchasing power
Saturday, January 26, 2013
American Debt - Inflate It Or Die
Has anyone ever wondered how come the United States keeps such a firm hold on its gold bullion? Why is it that America keeps its citizens in the dark regarding the benefits of accumulating gold and silver? Yet the US government is in the business of minting and distributing silver and gold coins. Did you know China publically educates its populace as to the long-term benefits of owning these precious metals?
After France wanted all of its debts redeemed in gold, President Nixon was forced to close the gold window to the world back in 1971. Effectively stopping any further gold redemptions on American debt from abroad and ending the Bretton Woods Agreement. Currently America holds about 8,133 tons of gold bullion. That is around 2.4 times more gold…
After France wanted all of its debts redeemed in gold, President Nixon was forced to close the gold window to the world back in 1971. Effectively stopping any further gold redemptions on American debt from abroad and ending the Bretton Woods Agreement. Currently America holds about 8,133 tons of gold bullion. That is around 2.4 times more gold…
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Fiat Currency System - Confidence Dwindling
The current monetary system that’s in place is corruptly managed by the greed, power and deception of the world banks and those who run them. Weekly news comes out of illegal bank practices and fraud, its mainstream news anymore. A quick example would be the latest scandal involving LIBOR. It is apparent today that the more reliable an institution is, the bigger the fraud. Libor was the benchmark for loans into the trillions of dollars, for decades.
Libor’s assets are believed to have been connected to transactions globally in the forms of personal, small business and mortgage loans in excess of $500 trillion dollars. Libor was key in the setting of global interest rates. To date the Libor scandal could be the biggest of its kind in history...
Libor’s assets are believed to have been connected to transactions globally in the forms of personal, small business and mortgage loans in excess of $500 trillion dollars. Libor was key in the setting of global interest rates. To date the Libor scandal could be the biggest of its kind in history...
Friday, January 11, 2013
Gold Theft & Manipulation - Through Central Bank Leasing
There has been a huge cover-up in the price of gold. This price suppression has been going on for years. Central banks have been at the center of this manipulation and the evidence can be found in the commodities and future trading commission reports. Mr. Theodore Butler with due diligence is the main person responsible for following the long chain of events that finally led to the discovery of these price manipulations and cover-ups by central bankers for years.
Legal Practice of Leasing Out Precious Metals
Before the central banks entered into this leasing game, the leasing or swapping of precious metals from one mine to another was used when production for whatever reason was stopped. Because mines sell future contracts during production, during a shutdown they would be on the hook for…
Legal Practice of Leasing Out Precious Metals
Before the central banks entered into this leasing game, the leasing or swapping of precious metals from one mine to another was used when production for whatever reason was stopped. Because mines sell future contracts during production, during a shutdown they would be on the hook for…
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Gold Price Set To Double By Year’s End - 6 Reasons Why
In November the next Presidential Election for the US is quickly approaching. The Mayan “end of the world” prophecy for December 12th is closing in. These and other reasons are fuel to which feed upon gold’s value to propel its price towards ever reaching highs at an ever increasing rate.
Major Reasons the Price of Gold Might Double Before the End of 2012.
The Election campaigns between President Obama and Mitt Romney are running very close together according to several major media reports. With a race this close it’s a media frenzy with major ad campaigns and campaign finance money being poured into all forms of advertizing desperately trying to outdo one another’s campaigns. Unemployment is still far away from acceptable levels. Ordinary Americans are spending less and having to constantly tighten up their belt sizes notch by notch. In the end, gold’s value will progressively increase…
Major Reasons the Price of Gold Might Double Before the End of 2012.
The Election campaigns between President Obama and Mitt Romney are running very close together according to several major media reports. With a race this close it’s a media frenzy with major ad campaigns and campaign finance money being poured into all forms of advertizing desperately trying to outdo one another’s campaigns. Unemployment is still far away from acceptable levels. Ordinary Americans are spending less and having to constantly tighten up their belt sizes notch by notch. In the end, gold’s value will progressively increase…
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